Product Specification

Product group code: 10112201

January 2025
This product specification applies to all members of the Dutch Flower Auction Association (VBN) and Rhein-Maas. This publication or any part therein may not be made public or reproduced in any form, by print, photocopy, microfilm or any other means, without first obtaining written permission from the publisher (The Dutch Flower Auction Association).
Quality and Grading Criteria
Quality and Grading Criteria
Requirements for Mixed Lots
A lot of Cut flowers may be designated ‘mixed’ if at least 2 clearly distinguishable colors/shapes per bunch or per packaged unit are present. One color or shape can form no more than 50% of the number of cutflowers in the lot (for ‘2 mixed a ratio of 50/50 applies). The mix ratio between reciprocal the bunches and the packaging units in each lot should be uniform.
Recommendations Specific

In addition to the ripeness photos added to the Clematis product group, another series of ripeness photos Clematis is available. This can be found on the homepage of under the heading 'Additional attachments Productspecifications'.


Example for Stages of opening

Clematis (grp 10112201)
1 2 3 4 5
Maturity sorting
Abnormal growth
Imperfections in the flower, leaf and/or stem parts resulting from disorders during growth/culture.
Active ingredient code
For the sake of clarity, pre-treatment agents are coded according to their active ingredients. The code is printed on the label.
Bent necks
The uppermost part of the stem under the flower, drooping downward.
A colour distiguished by Floricode as mentioned in the VBN-product codes.
Colour uniformity
The batch must be composed in such a way that the selling units are uniform in terms of colour composition.
Cut flowers
The term "cut flowers" also includes ornamental green twigs and cut shrubs.
Damaged leaf-, flower or plant parts resulting from jolting, bruising, pinching, cutting, etc.
Aberrant colouring in flower and/or leaf resulting from a shortage of nutrients.
Do not trade
The product does not meet the requirements for trade. Depending on the situation, the supplier is given the opportunity to improve the product to such a degree that it can still be traded, or the product is destroyed.
The state of the cut flower in which it looks fresh,showing healthy colour in flower and leaf, is not limp and shows no signs of ageing, as far as can be perceived by the eye.
The undermost thickened and dark-coloured part of the stem which cannot easily absorb water.
Leaf point
Dying-off of plant cells on the top of a leaf larger than 2 mm.
The first stage of the flower opening up.
All organisms which are harmful to the cut flower and/or plant, such as insects, mildew/fungus, bacteria, viruses, etc.
Plastic greenhouse/tunnel
Cultivation for the entire period done under a plastic greenhouse/tunnel.
Product specifications
This contains the rules that products must be met in order to be traded at the VBN auctions. Product specifications consist of a general specification and a product-specific appendix for each crop or crop group. There are supportive images to show stages of maturity or thickness. The product specifications are listed on
Quality codes
Quality codes specify certain lot characteristics. It could be a grading code, e.g. S05 Maturity stage. There are also commercial characteristics such as K07 Other supplier's information. The characteristics with their affiliated codes can be found on Each product code specifies which quality remarks/quality codes are required and/or advised and in which order the grading codes should be supplied.
Residue and/or contaminants
Residue from crop protection agents and/or lime residue and/or other deposits on flower- and leaf parts.
Roll greenhouse
Cultivation partly done under a roll greenhouse during the cultivation period.
Shade cloth
Cultivation done under a gauze for the entire period.
The (generative) shoots which must be removed (disbudded) in some cases.
Shrinker, shrunk flower
Ethylene damage to the flower, causing it to wilt at an early stage.
Under glass
Cultivation for the entire period done under glass.
Visible remnants of main flower
Remnants of the (final stage of the) main flower after removal, rendering a negative influence on the ornamental value.
Visually free of parasites
The whole cutflower and/or plant, as far as can be perceived by the eye, has no animal and/or plant parasites. This means without shaking or beating the cutflower or plant.